Riverdale Mediation and Bill Eddy, Co-Founder and President of the High Conflict Institute, will be working together on two projects over the next few months.
On June 2-3, we will be offering “New Ways for Mediation of High Conflict Disputes,” for collaborative and family lawyers, mediators, parenting coordinators, and arbitrators seeking to know more about dealing with high-conflict personalities in mediation. This dynamic and practical workshop draws on Bill Eddy’s “New Ways for Mediation” approach, combining expert insight, demonstrations, and mediation exercises.
And on July 19-20 Hilary Linton and Bill Eddy will join forces with Rod Wells and Claudette Reimer to offer their second training in Understanding Negotiation Power and High Conflict in Complex Mediations, in Seattle, Washington.
William A. (“Bill”) Eddy is a lawyer, therapist and mediator, and the President of the High Conflict Institute based in San Diego, California. Mr. Eddy provides training on the subject of high-conflict personalities to lawyers, mediators, judges, mental health professionals and others. He has presented in over 25 states, several provinces in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France and Sweden.
Bill created the New Ways for Families method for potentially high-conflict families, which is being implemented in several family court systems in the United States and Canada. He is also the developer of the New Ways for Mediation method, which emphasizes more structure by the mediator and more negotiation skills for the parties – with less stress for all. We are very excited to be offering training with such an established and engaging mediator and trainer.
The Toronto workshop will be taking place at the Chestnut Conference Facility, June 2-3, 2014. Register now, as space is limited. For course details and flyer, click here.
Watch the APFM website for information about the Seattle training – brochure and signup coming soon.
For information on Bill Eddy, visit www.HighConflictInstitute.com or www.NewWays4Families.com.
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