On April 7-9 this year, Riverdale offered our 21-hour course on “Screening for Family Violence, Abuse, and Power Imbalances.” It was the first time we have delivered this course over three days, the new training standard for this workshop.
Hilary Linton was joined by guest speakers Elizabeth Hyde, Faith Feldman, Robert Rotenberg, Janine Lawford, and Erica Watson, as well as professional actors and coaches.
Through lectures, case studies, role plays, and interactive panel discussions, the participants learned to understand the sources of negotiation power in dispute resolution processes. We were excited to train our largest group ever, with over 30 participants taking part.
Participants’ feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Coming from a mix of professional backgrounds, they appreciated the relevance of the course:
- “Your course contains useful information about screening practices that not only constitute ‘best practices’ for any mediator, but also for any parent coordinator, arbitrator, or collaborative practitioner. Any conscientious divorce professional who wants to have an economically viable practice is going to have to screen for power imbalances just to be competitive with other colleagues.” – Michael Jonsson, Family Lawyer, Sacramento, California.
- “This course was eye-opening and something all lawyers should consider taking. The course provided a great review of how lawyers should conduct intakes and initial meetings with clients.” – Leonardo Mongillo, Family Lawyer, Toronto.
- “Excellent content, thorough presentations, great interaction with participants, thought-provoking opportunity to reflect on prior cases and prepare for upcoming cases –inclusive of all types of processes (negotiation, CP, mediation, med-arb).” – Deborah Graham, Collaborative Family Professional (Lawyer), Toronto.
Understanding issues of risk, family violence, and power imbalances in mediation and negotiation is essential not only for mediators seeking accreditation and arbitrators regulated under the Ministry of the Attorney General, but for all dispute resolution and family law professionals to ensure a safe process for their clients. We will be re-offering the Screening course in the fall, from October 7-9. Early bird registration is open now.
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