We finished off our spring session of accreditation courses last month with “Basic Family Negotiation & Mediation.” For 5 days during the first week of May, more than 20 aspiring mediators joined us for a dynamic and challenging course.
Instructors Hilary Linton, Elizabeth Hyde, and Christine Kim were hugely impressed by the breadth of knowledge and inquiry brought by the diverse participants.
Guest speakers Seema Jain, Richard Teicher, Cindy Dymond, Daniella Wald, and Joel Skapinker lent their expert opinions, alongside input from experienced mediation coaches. Through interactive discussions, case studies, and role plays, participants engaged in topics ranging from designing the mediation process, to including the voice of children, to mediating property support issues.
Our course participants were also impressed with the quality of the course: 85% rated the course as “excellent.” What they said:
- “This course equipped me to design the mediation process, and gave me broader understanding of real world of mediation.” – Archana Medhekar
- “Riverdale’s approach to mediation: fair, transparent, facilitative, thorough, intentional.” – Joelle Therriault
- “Great course. You packed a lot in.” – Steve Benmor
- “Best mediation course I have taken. A Cadillac product!” – Ed Pundyk
Our next course for accreditation is “Screening for Family Violence, Abuse, and Power Imbalances, which is being offered October 7-9, 2014. Our full accreditation series will be offered again starting January of 2015. Thanks to all who contributed to successful spring session!
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