You will be extensively summarizing, re-summarizing, going back to notes made earlier, doing calculations, explaining options, and helping the parties consider all of the “what ifs” of the options on the table.
As with negotiation, the mediation process follows a basic framework. The framework that a mediator uses will be determined by the principles that guide through.
At Riverdale Mediation, these are our guiding principles: we see to provide a safe, fair, confidential, balanced, neutral, informed and voluntary process of self-determination that does no harm.
Each of these principles is important and sometimes they conflict with one another. It is therefore essential to have a solid understanding of the purpose of each principle, and a vision of how these principles will play out in any given situation. When confronted with a new challenge, good mediators will return to the principles that guide them for the solution.
The following is an excerpt from one of our training manuals for new mediators.
PART 7 & 8 –
During the phase of documenting possible solution, you will make notes on the white board, and record the things each party says they need in order to reach settlements. These notes will form the basis for your memorandum of understanding. You will be extensively summarizing, re-summarizing, going back to notes made earlier, doing calculations, explaining options, and helping the parties consider all of the “what ifs” of the options on the table.
Create a “to-do” list for the next meeting, even if no tentative agreements are reached. The parties will have generated many ideas for further discussion. Each may have identified the information or concessions they need in order to move forward. Allow the parties the opportunity to reflect, re-consider, re-assess and re-evaluate their ideas of what might make for a settlement with which they can live, and give them the space to return when they are ready.
Part 2 – Post-Decision & Pre-Mediation Preparation
Part 4 – Views & Preferences of the Child
Part 5 – Starting the Mediation
Part 6 – Moving the Parties Along
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