The numbers don’t lie: Ontario’s free and subsidized family mediation program is working in Toronto.
Statistics from Oct.-Dec. 2013 show that mediate393’s clients had high settlement rates and were overwhelming happy with the services they received.
More than three-quarters (80%) of our clients were very satisfied with the quality of our mediation services.
Some client comments:
- “[Your service is] professional, compassionate, warm, and sensitive.”
- “This is an important service to provide to people that have children that are in dispute.”
- “I am very grateful to have received these services.. [our mediator] was absolutely excellent. We received extra time when we need it; I’m low income, so that meant a lot.”
In addition to our high satisfaction rates, we have strong settlement rates. One third of our cases reached a full agreement on all issues, and 80% reached agreement on some or all issues.
We had 145 mediations during this time. As a result of our services, 116 cases either stayed out of court or were limited to fewer issues, using fewer of our valuable court resources.
Research shows that people who settle their family law matters achieve more satisfying and durable agreements. The children of parents who resolve their disputes not only see more of both parents, they also are more likely to receive child support.[1] Research also shows that even victims of violence and abuse are more satisfied with the process and outcome, and are more likely to stay safe as well, in effective and safe mediation processes compared to lawyer-to-lawyer negotiations or court.[2]
Separating couples now have access to free support from skilled Information & Referral Coordinators in the Family Law Information Centres across the province, including the one operated by mediate393 at Toronto’s Superior Court of Justice on the 9th floor at 393 University Ave in Toronto. As well, all parties who commence court actions must attend an Information Program before appearing before a judge; another step that helps parties avoid adversarial litigation and understand their procedural alternatives to court.
For all of the benefits of mediation, add the cost-free or subsidized fee element: Ontario’s voluntary court connected family mediation program is pretty hard to beat.
mediate393 inc. provides free family law information and mediation services for clients at Toronto’s Superior Court of Justice at 393 University Ave., in the Family Law Information Centre (FLIC) on the 9th floor.
We also provide highly subsidized family mediation for anyone in the GTA, with or without a court case. Our services are provided by a wide range of qualified and skilled mediators, both lawyers and mental health professionals, and are available daily.
Visit, for more info about our services in Toronto’s Superior Court. For information about our services in Toronto’s Provincial Courts, please visit and